Everyone is welcome to visit the reading room and use our resources.
Find out about visiting, handling materials and making use of our copying services.
All staff and students are welcome to visit and use our resources. Contact us to make an appointment or discuss your enquiry.
Library members may request books from Archives and Special Collections via SUPrimo. Simply sign into your library account, search for the book and select request. Archives and Special Collections staff will contact you to arrange an appointment when the book is available to view in the reading room.
All material in Archives and Special Collections is reference only and may only be consulted in the reading room. Please present your student or staff card as proof of identity and familiarise yourself with the reading room regulations.
Everyone is welcome to visit and use our resources. Please contact us in advance of your visit, so that material can be retrieved from store, access to the library arranged and a place reserved for you in the reading room.
The reading room is located on Level 5 of the Andersonian Library in the Curran building in Glasgow city centre. The entrance to the library is off Cathedral Street.
We have prepared a Visitor Information Sheet which contains all the information you will need for your visit. Please familiarise yourself with the reading room regulations.
If you have an enquiry about our resources and are unable to attend the reading room in person, please contact us by email, telephone or letter. There is no charge for our enquiry service, but we are unable to undertake lengthy research on your behalf. We aim to reply to you within 20 working days.
Please give us as much information as possible, and tell us about any other sources you have already checked.
See our copying services guide for information on requesting copies, taking your own photographs of material and requesting permission to publish material from our collections.
For more advice on searching please see our search guide.