We are able to provide photocopies or scanned images from our collections as long as the material is of a suitable condition and is not covered by restrictions. Please note that all copies are provided on the understanding that they are for private study and research only.
For a guide to our charges please consult the reprographics price guide.
How to place an order
All copying is undertaken in accordance with our policy on copying.
The use of digital cameras and smartphones to capture images of archives and books from the University of Strathclyde Archives and Special Collections is permitted but please read our guide to Self Service Digital Photography and check with the reading room supervisor on duty for any restrictions.
The use of digital cameras and smartphones to capture images of archives and books from the University of Strathclyde Archives and Special Collections is permitted.
However, not all archive material can be photographed due to copyright restrictions. Please obtain permission from a member of staff before you take photographs to ensure each item can legally be copied and that no damage will be caused to the item. You will be asked to sign a photography copyright declaration form.
All self-service photography is subject to the following conditions:
Copies are initially supplied on the understanding that they are for private study and research only. However, researchers may be allowed to publish on the following conditions:
How to request permission to publish:
Re-use of public sector information
Archives and Special Collections is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulation 2015 (PSI Regulations). Please see Permission to reproduce Library materials for details of how to make a request for re-use of our information.