A new user interface will be available from Wed 7th August 2024. Training sessions will become available in August.
Library staff run training sessions for those who wish to create their own reading list. Sign up for a training session to learn how you can build a reading list within MyPlace. The software allows reading lists to link to a wide range of resources from the library’s collections and online materials. This session provides a detailed overview of the basic features of the software and will be demonstrated using the new user interface.
Full details and a link to book a place can be found on the online booking system.
Sign up for a short session to hear about some of the changes coming to the reading list software on Wednesday 7th August 2024.
The user interface (UI) has been enhanced to simplify common tasks with a clear layout and user-friendly design. This online session comprises a 15 minute demo followed by a Q&A session. This session is for staff who are already familiar with the classic view of the reading list software. If you are not familiar with the software, the full 1 hour training session is recommended.
Full details and a link to book a place can be found on the online booking system
Got a question?
Seeking general advice about your list?
Contact the Reading List team to request a Zoom or Teams meeting.
(Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay)