Resource suggestions may be added by students and library staff. They will appear in the right-hand sidebar of the reading list. When a suggestion is added, a notification will be sent to all instructors and collaborators for the class to alert them to the new activity.
The name of the person suggesting the resource and a suggestion note will be displayed.
Library staff suggestions will typically highlight a new edition of a title and inform you about older editions that are due for removal from library stock. Instructors are urged to update reading list resources each year before the start of a new session.
Please note all suggestions will be cleared from the reading list on an annual basis. This is part of the annual statistical reset process. The next Suggestion reset will take place on Thursday 31st October 2024.
You can suggest resources for a class reading list or for an open access reading list.
When a suggestion is added an email notification is sent to the instructor/s of the reading list to review and add the suggested resource.
1. View the reading list you wish to add a suggestion to. Select "Add" to add the list to your watched reading lists. You will find the 'Add to My lists' button at the top of a reading list and just to the right of the class code display.
2. Open your Favourites folder to view resources you have previously saved, or, perform a new search for the resource you wish to suggest.
3. Open the citation menu and select Suggest this item.
4. Select the relevant reading list from the pull down list of reading lists, add your note and select Suggest. The pull down list will display all reading lists you are watching.
Whenever a suggestion is added to a reading list, an email notification will be sent to the reading list instructors and collaborators and a suggestion icon will appear in the reading list in the right-hand sidebar. select this option to view suggestions submitted for your reading list.
You can choose add a suggested resource to your list or delete it.
To add a suggested resource to your reading list, simply drag and drop the citation into the appropriate position in the reading list. You can delete the suggestion from the sidebar area afterwards. Our recommendation is that only the newest editions should appear in a reading list. If you add a new edition, be sure to delete the older one.
Instructors should note that any usage statistics on the older material will be lost when the older edition is removed from the reading list. You may wish to update lists with the suggested newer editions at the end of the academic session when usage stats reflect a full year / semester of use.
If an instructor does not wish to add the newest edition of the book to their reading list, the suggestion can be deleted. Please note that in some cases library staff will be contacting you as the older edition is due to be removed from the collection as part of our collection management processes. If an older edition is essential to your teaching you must contact your Faculty Librarian before the date noted in the message. This will ensure that the required material is not removed from the library’s collections.