Copyright is an intellectual property right which protects a creator from other people using their work without permission. It is important you consider copyright when creating a reading list as you will be reusing material created by others as well as content you have written yourself. Non-compliance with copyright can lead to loss of access to resources by all staff and students and financial/reputational damage to the University.
There is no blanket exception for 'educational use' in UK law. There are specific exceptions that allow staff and students to copy a work (or extracts from it) without seeking the permission of the copyright owner, subject to certain conditions and limits. For example, short quotations from a work do not require permission. The University also has a range of licences in place to allow staff and students to reuse copyright protected work without having to obtain permission. A key licence is the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency)which allows the photocopying, scanning and re-use of digital content from books, journals and electronic publications.
The University has a range of licences in place to allow staff and students to reuse copyright protected works without having to obtain permission. A key licence is the CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) licence which allows the photocopying, scanning and re-use of digital content from books, journals and electronic publications. Further information is contained within the Digitisation Guidelines.
Always fully reference the material you use.
Always check terms of use on websites before extracting any material, including images or sound clips.
Always check the licence terms of e-books, journals etc for restrictions on use and copying.
Refer to the Digitisation Guidelines to request a scan/digital copy extracts from a work.
Link to materials on webpages, rather than extracting and embedding them.
Consider open licenced resources for images.
Ensure you have permission if using previous student work.
Keep a paper trail of any copyright permission you seek as you may be asked to prove it at a later stage.
Copyright webpages
Contact ictlegalcompliance@strath.ac.uk with any copyright queries
Do not upload documents unless you are the sole author or have permission from co-authors. Instead, provide links to resources that are hosted elsewhere.
Do not scan and upload materials yourself. Staff wishing to scan materials for use in teaching must make a request through the Digitisation Service.
Information is available in the Finding Open Access Resource LibGuide.
Information is available in the Using Audiovisual Materials for Teaching LibGuide.