Before creating a new list, confirm it hasn't already been created by a colleague - look for the reading list icon on your MyPlace class page.
Follow the steps for 'Getting started with reading lists' and add the reading list link to your MyPlace page.
Select the Reading List link. The reading list software will open in a new window. Select the CREATE button. The reading list title will be auto-filled from the name of the MyPlace page. Additional information may be added to the Description field.
Select a template style for your reading list.
You can choose to work with a Weekly style template, a 3 Section template (Essential, Recommended & Further Reading) or a single section template. A preview is displayed under your selection.
Example of a newly created list that is structured by weekly format.
Log in to MyPlace and navigate to the relevant class page. Click the Reading List tool to access the reading list software for the class.
If a reading list already exists, this will open immediately.
View Managing a List for information on how to share editing permission with colleagues.
You can also search for lists from within the reading list software. From the left hand menu select Lists to search for a particular list. Search by list title, class title, class code, class instructors, etc.
Important: Keep your search open by adjusting the filters.
Before deleting the list, consider if the list should be deleted completely or if you only want to remove yourself from the list. See Managing a Reading List for more information.
To delete a reading list, view the reading list to be deleted and select List menu (...). Click Delete from the menu.