To add resources to your list click on the + Add button to open the search panel.
Search Library Collections for items in the Library Catalogue - includes books (electronic and print), journal titles (electronic and print), theses, media resources, University of Strathclyde Archives.
Switch your search scope to Journal Articles to perform a search of Library journal databases.
Drag & drop the results into your reading list section or use the + symbol to add.
You can use the Cite It! to easily add items to your reading list, for example searching for books on bookshop website, newspaper articles, blogs, Government docs, TEDx talks etc.
Simply search for the resource you wish to add to your list and click the Cite It! button on your toolbar. See Getting Started with Reading Lists to install Cite It! if you haven't already done so.
A pop up window will appear with details of the resource. You can choose to add it directly to a reading list section or to your Collection (Label changing to "Favourites").
View your previously saved citations by selecting Favourites from the left-hand sidebar.
Favourites is an area where you can save citations.
From this page you can search for more resources using the + Add button. You can add resources to a list by selecting the citation menu button and Add to list.
When working on a reading list you can easily drag and drop citations you have already saved to Favourites.
From the reading list select + Add and Add from favourites. Drag and drop your saved citations into the reading list.
Citations can be moved within a section using the Drag indicator or by using the arrow up/down controls.
Tick the citation box to use the arrow up/down control. Move one citation at a time.
Citations can be moved into other sections of the reading list using the Move option.
From the Citation menu select Move and a new pop-up window will appear. Select the relevant section name from the drop down list.
There are two methods to delete citations from your list.
1. Tick the citations you wish to remove and select the Delete option that will appear above.
2. Select the citation item menu on the right and select Delete item from the list of actions.