Add a Tag to every item on your list to indicate it's importance to students.
Tags are also important to the Library as they inform purchasing decisions. The library has an e-preference policy and will purchase a suitable ebook instead of print copies whenever possible. If you do not select a Tag the library will assume the title is further reading.
Students are expected to read all essential items. The library will purchase electronic and print copies and will move copies to the Short Loan Collection if necessary.
Students are encouraged to read recommended materials. The library will purchase electronic and print copies and will move copies to the Short Loan Collection if necessary.
Students may choose to read more widely and these titles are a useful starting point for background reading. The library will supply an ebook or a print copy.
To remove a Tag, simply click on the edit tag icon and the X to remove.
Public notes can be viewed by anyone with access to the reading list.
Private notes can only be viewed by you.
Use Public Notes to provide additional information to your students e.g.
Expand the citation to add or delete notes.