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Reading Lists @ Strathclyde (Staff): 1. Getting started with reading lists

Getting started with reading lists

Begin by adding the reading list link to your MyPlace page and the Cite It button to your Bookmarks bar.

Please note your reading list and MyPlace page will automatically establish a connection based on a matching class code.

For example, a list named AA100 will work with the AA100 MyPlace page but it will not work with MyPlace pages with non-matching names e.g. "AA100/AA120". If you have a MyPlace page for multiple class codes, please contact the Reading List team for advice.

Accessing Reading Lists via MyPlace

Step 1:

Login to MyPlace and navigate to the relevant class.

Step 2: 

Turn editing on and select Add an activity or resource 

Myplace add activity

If you do not have permission to edit the MyPlace page, contact the permission holder or the Reading List team for assistance.

Step 3: 

Select the Reading List icon from the list of activities and Add MyPlace reading list link


Add Activity name e.g. Reading List  MyPlace tool for adding a reading list

Select Save and Return to class 

The Reading List link will now be available from your MyPlace page.

MyPlace reading list link

Step 4:

You can now access the reading list software using the Reading List link.

However, before working on a reading list, add the Cite It! button to your toolbar. 

Installing Cite It!

Install Cite It! onto your browser toolbar to easily add items to your reading list from websites such as newspapers, blogs, bookshops etc. 

Step 1:

Click on your name in the top right corner of the Reading Lists and select Cite It! 

Cite it button

Step 2:

A pop-up window will appear. Drag and drop the Cite It button into your browser toolbar.

cite it button 2

The Cite It! button will now be available on your browser toolbar

cite it button 3


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