Westlaw provides access to EU legislation, case law and other materials.
You can access the EU search from the Welcome page. From the tabs at the top of the Welcome Page, select select 'EU'.
In the main search box you can search across EU content.
e.g. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Legislation'.
Under 'Document Fields' search for secondary legislation using words in the title by entering these in the 'Title' box.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
Tip: You can limit your search to specific legislation sources by selecting these (e.g. Directive, Regulation) in the 'Document Type' options.
e.g. Directive 95/46/EC.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Legislation'.
Under 'Document Fields' search for secondary legislation using its short form (legislation number) by entering this in the 'Citation' box.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
Tip: You can limit your search to specific legislation sources by selecting these (e.g. Directive, Regulation) in the 'Document Type' options.
e.g. infringing fundamental freedoms or privacy; for purposes of journalism or for purposes of literary of artistic expression.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Legislation'.
You can search for EU secondary legislation using words occurring anywhere in the document's text by entering these under 'Find documents that have' in the appropriate box(es): 'All of these terms', 'Any of these terms', or 'This exact phrase'.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
Tip: You can limit your search to specific legislation sources by selecting these (e.g. Directive, Regulation) in the 'Document Type' options.
e.g. Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Treaties'.
You can search for EU treaties by using the 'Find documents that have', 'Citation', 'Title' or 'Subject' boxes.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
In force dates are indicated under the “Dates” heading and amendments are shown under the “Modified by” heading (below the legislation text).
Information about implementation by Member States is given under 'National Measures' (below the text of the legislation).
e.g. Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Cases'.
Under 'Document Fields' search for cases using party names by entering these in the 'Parties' box.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
e.g. 120/78 or C-157/03.
After selecting 'More' and 'European Union' from the Welcome page, select 'European Union Cases'.
Under 'Document Fields' search for a case using its case number by entering this in the 'Citation' box.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
e.g. cassis de dijon or minimum alcohol content.
You can search for EU cases using words occurring anywhere in the document's text by entering these under 'Find documents that have' in the appropriate box(es): 'All of these terms', 'Any of these terms', or 'This exact phrase'.
Your search appears in the main search box. Beside the main search box, select the search (orange 'magnifying glass') button.
A list of results matching your search will be displayed.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Westlaw provides full-text access to a variety of legal information, including many UK cases, UK and Scottish legislation, a number of UK legal journals and EU materials. Westlaw's Journals search provides abstracts from articles from UK-published journals, including articles not available in full-text on Westlaw. Non-UK material is available by following the link to ‘Westlaw International’ from the homepage.
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Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
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