These databases provide access to primary sources (legislation and case law) and secondary sources including books, journal articles, and other commentary.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Westlaw provides full-text access to a variety of legal information, including many UK cases, UK and Scottish legislation, a number of UK legal journals and EU materials. Westlaw's Journals search provides abstracts from articles from UK-published journals, including articles not available in full-text on Westlaw. Non-UK material is available by following the link to ‘Westlaw International’ from the homepage.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. First time users (and users who have not accessed Westlaw in over 15 months) will also be prompted to register an account. Please follow our Westlaw Registration Instructions before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
Thomson Reuter's Privacy Policy and Cookies information can be viewed via links on the site.
Lexis+ UK Legal Research provides full-text access to legal, tax and accountancy information. This includes many U.K. reported and unreported cases, legislation, and a number of U.K. legal journals. Commentary includes the Stair Memorial Encyclopaedia and Halsbury’s Laws of England. In force legislation relating to England and Wales as well as that from the Scottish Parliament is included, but some pre-devolution U.K. legislation applying solely to Scotland is excluded. Material from non-U.K. jurisdictions is available under the ‘International’ tab. The service includes Tax and Accountancy content - sign in to Lexis+ UK and choose the 'Practice Area' tab, then select the Tax or Accounting options.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Practical Law is an online legal ‘know how’ service. It provides resources, such as practice notes, current awareness and standard documents to help with legal practice and providing legal advice.
Resources are created and kept up to date by a team of editors who have experience gained in law firms, companies and public sector organisations.
It is integrated with resources on the Westlaw UK service.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. First time users (and users who have not accessed Westlaw in over 15 months) will also be prompted to register an account. Please follow our Westlaw Registration Instructions before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
Thomson Reuter's Privacy Policy and Cookies information can be viewed via links on the site.
HeinOnline is a legal research database. The University’s subscription includes access to the ‘Law Journal Library’, ‘Scottish Legal History’ and ‘English Reports, Full Reprint’ databases. All content within HeinOnline is image-based in PDF format and fully searchable.
Bloomsbury Professional Online provides access to legal commentary and analysis from Bloomsbury's books, looseleafs, and other legal materials. The University has access to titles available as part of the Scottish Law Service.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. This gives access to the full text content and main functionality on this eResource.
To access personalised features, users require a Bloomsbury Professional Online account. More information can be found at If you wish to create a personal account, please email to request a token. (Please note that this is a different account to the personal account used on other Bloomsbury products.)
Bloomsbury's Privacy and Cookie policy can be viewed via a link on the site.
Access to all eBooks in the Law subject area of the Oxford Handbooks Online series, from the publisher Oxford University Press. Please note that we do not have access to all eBooks on the Oxford Academic site. SUPrimo contains records for the titles Strathclyde users can access.
Public Information Online contains publications from the Westminster Parliament, Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly, National Assembly for Wales, Scottish Government and also Non-Parliamentary material.
It provides access to Bills, Command Papers, House of Commons Papers, House of Lords Papers, Hansard, Scottish Parliament Papers, the SP Official Report and Scottish Government Papers.
Dates of coverage: UK Parliament (2006/07 Session onwards); Scottish Parliament (Session 3 onwards). Hansard is available from 2008/09 onwards. Earlier content is being added.
Useful for: All disciplines - especially Education, Government & Public Policy, Law, Politics, Social Work & Social Policy.
When accessing this resource from the A to Z or SUPrimo database records, on-campus users will be signed in automatically, but off-campus users will need to go through the following steps:
UK Parliamentary Papers (formerly House of Commons Parliamentary Papers) contains Sessional Papers (e.g. House of Commons Papers, Command Papers and Public Bills) from 1715 to the 2009/10 parliamentary session. UKPP also provides access to supplementary parliamentary material back to 1688 including material from the House of Lords. Full-text of papers from session 2010-11 onwards is available via the Public Information Online service.
Social Science Premium Collection provides access to databases covering the international literature in the social sciences.
It provides abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including deep indexing and full text from over 1000 important social science journals. (Featured databases include IBSS, PAIS and Sociological Abstracts.)
Dates of coverage: 1871 - current.
Subject coverage includes: politics, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology and education.
The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences from 2,474 of the world's leading social sciences journals across 50 disciplines. Coverage is from 1898 to date.
Scopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database containing all relevant literature.
Library books are arranged by the Dewey Decimal classification scheme where each subject is represented by a number. You will find books on the same subject will have the same number. The shelfmark is preceded by the letter D and will be followed by 3 letters, which are usually the first 3 letters of the author's name. e.g. D 348.05 GOR