A business focused interface guides users to a huge range of content including journal articles, books, company, industry and country reports. Other content includes case studies and video content.
IEEE Xplore provides full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Access is to the full text published since 1988 and select content published since 1913 from: IEEE journals, transactions, proceedings, and magazines; IEEE conference proceedings; IEEE published standards; IEEE Spectrum Magazine; IEEE-Wiley eBooks collection; IET journals; IET conference proceedings.
A collection of papers from the Design Society.
Most papers in this resource are free to view and can be accessed without logging in, however some full text content requires a society membership. If you would like to a view a paper that is not freely available, please contact the library.
Fame is the leading company database for the UK and Ireland, tracking 15 million companies from SMEs to large global players, including public, private, active, inactive, dissolved, charities, and sole traders. Fame also includes 20 years of historical financial and ownership data. Moody's collect this information from 15 best-in-class information providers such as Companies House, then standardise, and link all the data together making it very easy to create a panel data set to compare years against years and companies against companies. The detailed information includes: Company profile, profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, ratios and trends, credit score and rating, complete lists of holding companies, security and price data, subsidiaries and directors, shareholders, all "site/trading" addresses, activity information, corporate tree diagrams, miscellaneous information.