How are results sorted?
Results are sorted by Relevance. This is the default but you can change the display by clicking on the 'Sorted by' drop down menu. Change to Date-newest or Title as appropriate.
How do you search for items not held at Strathclyde?
Use the Expand beyond Library collections option above the search facets.to search for items beyond what we hold here at Strathclyde. This is only possible on the ‘Full Library’ & ‘Articles and Papers’ search scopes.
You can refine your search results using the options on the left hand side of the screen. When applying more than one facet you can see which ones are applied. Additionally, you can exclude a facet from a search.
To exclude a facet (e.g.book chapters), hover over the facet to get the exclude option. Then check the box next to the facet
Click on Apply Filters.
You can save items to your favourites. Favourites can be accessed via the HEART icon, and new items can be added by selecting this icon trom the search results. Click on the dots to Show actions options. From here you can send items to EndNote online, email them etc.
Why do I see zero results?
First of all, check your spelling as misspelt words can be to blame. You may also need to amend your search terms if you have been very specific. Try broadening your search.
Citation Trails let you explore related works, by highlighting any articles or papers which cite, or are cited by, an individual search result. These are accessed by the red arrows in both the full and brief search results.
BrowZine lets you access articles directly, and also provides access to other articles within the same journal. You can access BrowZine by clicking on “View Issue Contents” in both the brief and full results section of an applicable search result. You can also access BrowZine from the Ejournal Browse at the top of the SUPrimo screen.
Searching will pull up a list of brief results, with info about the items, and the ability to export citations, add to favourites and email a link. Clicking into the record will provide access to the full details page, with much more information about the specific record.
Brief results
Multiple versions of this record exist indicates that there may be more than one edition of the book or that there are both print and electronic versions of the book.
On a reading list indicates that this item is on a reading list for a class.
Full results
Get It shows the availability and loan period. If the book is on loan, you can request it after signing in. Click on the hyperlinks to view details of each copy.