Your student ID card is available on the Strathclyde App. You will need the app or your student ID card to enter the Library and borrow books. Just scan in at the entrance. There are always staff who can help you if you're not sure what to do.
Your student ID card also acts as your Library card. When you register you automatically join the Library.
You can also use the kiosk at the entrance to the Library and use your DS username and password to create a temporary pass to access the Library.
Our friendly staff can answer your enquiries. The IS enquiry desk is on Level 3 of the Library and there are also enquiry points on Levels 4 and 5.
Skills Boost sessions run online and in-person during Semester 1 and 2 and give us the opportunity to teach you all of the skills you will need to be successful in the Library.
All your essential IT and Library information.is in the Information Services Student guide.
The University of Strathclyde App gives you instant access to campus resources and information.