![University of Strathclyde Glasgow](https://dkou0skpxpnwz.cloudfront.net/accounts/133031/images/university-logo-libguides.png)
Inspec database via the Engineering Village database platform.
Inspec is a leading bibliographic information database covering the fields of physics, electronics, computing, control engineering and information technology with more than 7.7 million records taken from 3,500 technical and scientific journals and 1,500 conference proceedings.
ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information.
Web of Science is a platform consisting of multiple databases designed to support scientific and scholarly research. Content spans multiple disciplines, document types and formats.
Scopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database containing all relevant literature.
IEEE Xplore provides full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Access is to the full text published since 1988 and select content published since 1913 from: IEEE journals, transactions, proceedings, and magazines; IEEE conference proceedings; IEEE published standards; IEEE Spectrum Magazine; IEEE-Wiley eBooks collection; IET journals; IET conference proceedings.
Library books are arranged by the Dewey Decimal classification scheme whereby each subject is represented by a number.
You wil find books on the same subject will have the same number. The shelfmark is preceded by the letter D and will be followed by 3 letters, which are usually the first 3 letters of the author's name.
Here are some useful physics shelfmarks.
D 530 Comprehensive works on Physics
D 531 Mechanics of solids
D 532 Mechanics of fluids
D 533 Mechanics of gases
D 534 Sound and related vibrations
D 535 Optics
D 536 Heat
D 537 Electricity and electronics
D 537.622 Semiconductors
D 538 Magnetism
D 539 Molecular, atomic and nuclear physics