You can find journal articles from online sources through SUPrimo and other Library webpages. You may also be able to access some articles through other online 'open-access' sources.
The University Library also holds many print journals - although many titles have now become available only online.
Where a journal article is not available online or in the Library, you may be able to access this at another Library - or request an inter-library loan.
You can access journals subscribed to by the Library via SUPrimo.
You can use the 'Library Collections' tab to search by journal title or the 'Articles + databases' tab to search by article title or keyword:
Alternatively, you can use BrowZine to browse for selected ejournals from our collection:
You can undertake more in depth and detailed searches for journal articles using subject-specific databases. Some databases contain the full-text of journal articles, while others provide abstracts (summaries) but may link to full-text with the button:
Other sources of journal articles online include 'open access' sources such as the University of Strathclyde's institutional repository Strathprints. While institutional repositories provide access to articles which might not otherwise be available, the version may not be exactly the same as that in the final journal publication:
In the Library openly accessible print journals (serials) are shelved on Level 1 in the Serials collection and arranged by UDC class number, then alphabetically by title within each class number.
Use SUPrimo to find the shelving location:
For example, if you found the record for the Journal of Biological Chemistry:
you would go to the Serials shelves at number 577.1 then amongst journals at that number look alphabetically for Journal of Biological Chemistry.
If you can't access a journal article online or in the Andersonian Library, you may be able to access it either at another Library or by using our Inter-Library Service.
To find out which UK libraries hold a particular journal you can use the Jisc Library Hub Discover service:
You can access the libraries of higher education institutions in the west of Scotland under our reciprocal access scheme:
You can access many other university libraries in the UK and Ireland under the SCONUL Access scheme:
If eligible, you may be able to use our Inter-Library Service to request a journal article to be delivered to you directly:
N.B. Access to/membership of other libraries does not usually include access to their electronic resources, only print materials.