If you are undertaking an ongoing piece of research or just want to keep up-to-date with a topic then you may find browsing through journals or setting up a current awareness alert useful.
You can look through the contents pages of new issues of printed journals or e-journals - or you may wish to use the specialist browsing service Browzine to keep up-to-date. See below for a link to BrowZine.
Many database services offer 'alert' functions. These enable you to set up an email alert to notify you when new journal articles (or other materials) meeting your specified search criteria are published . This means you don't have to keep running new searches on the same database. Often you may need to create a separate individual account on the database service in order to make use of these current awareness alerting functions.
You can also find individual print or electronic journals using SUPrimo and then browse the tables of contents of individual issues:
SUPrimo is the University of Strathclyde Library's integrated search service.
Use SUPrimo to search our print and electronic library collections, including: books - journal titles - databases - electronic resources - theses - exam papers - media resources - course material.
The instructions for setting up current awareness alerts differ for each database provider. Sometimes you need to perform a search and then set up an alert for this saved search. In other database services you may choose to set up the alert and then select the criteria. You can usually choose how often you wish to be emailed, e.g. once a day, once a week or only when new material is available.
In some database services you will need to register individually with the service (e.g. SCOPUS, Web of Science, ProQuest, EBSCOHost) before you can save searches and set up alerts. If you need help with this, please contact the Library.
You can select relevant databases from our A-Z list:
If you would like further help with setting up alerts using database services, please contact the Library: