Key databases covering current news sources include:
Factiva is a current international news database produced by Dow Jones, a global provider of economic and financial information. Users have access to a wide range of information from newspapers, newswires, industry publications, websites, company reports, and more. Content provides local insight and global perspective on business issues and current events, containing current information on companies, industries, and financial markets.
Nexis provides full-text coverage of newspapers worldwide, plus press releases, transcripts of TV broadcasts, newswires, magazines and trade journals.
Data sets, visualisation tools and case studies to research and analyse companies, industries and economies around the world.
ProQuest One Business combines multiple ProQuest business information databases to a total of more than 130 million documents. This content includes more than 2400 academic journals, trade journals and magazines, hundreds of news sources, thousands of videos and hundreds of thousands of research reports from JP Morgan, Hoovers, BMI Research and others
For more information about finding and using news sources, take a look at our news sources guide: