Your Faculty Librarian can give you help and guidance in undertaking a structured literature search and a we have a guide on undertaking a systematic review available. Sessions can cover everything from forming search strategy, to using specialist resources and managing your references.
Advice can also be provided via telephone and email, find details of your Faculty Librarian online.
You should get permission from the copyright holder if you want to copy a work. There are, however, certain acts such as Fair Dealing for non-commercial research or private study or criticism or review which are permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The University of Strathclyde has also purchased a number of licences which may allow you to do more copying without obtaining permission.
Copyright - The Information, Governance and Compliance pages include a section on copyright licences and copyright clearance at Strathclyde.
Copyright & your thesis -. Looks at copyright issues within your thesis and intellectual property rights of your thesis once it has been completed.