British Standards Online offers access to the full-text of around 38,500 standards, including European and International standards where the UK has adopted them. Please use ASTM Compass to access ASTM standards. We do not currently subscribe to ASME standards or Boiler Pressure Vessel Codes (BPVC).
To view the Standards you will need Adobe Reader and the FileOpen plug-in. FileOpen can be installed from the Software Center for University managed computers, or from the FileOpen download webpage if you are using your own device.
You may print one hard copy and download one electronic copy of each standard/document. You must not create a collection of electronic or print copies that exceeds 5% of the total number of documents in BSOL and documents must not be passed to anyone who is not an authorised user. Excessive downloading or viewing of documents may lead to your access to British Standards being suspended. For more info see the BSOL Terms & Conditions ('Section 8. Proprietary Rights' - Strathclyde login required to access this webpage).
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Occupational Health and Safety Information Service (OHSIS) provides up-to-date reference sources of key Health and Safety documentation relevant to the workplace. OHSIS covers Health and Safety issues such as training, first aid, electrical safety, manual handling, dangerous substances, fire safety, and environmental health guidance. It also includes a selection of British Standards relating to Health and Safety and government legislation and documentation from organisations such as ROSPA and HSE, all available in full text.
This resource cannot be accessed using University of Strathclyde credentials. Users must register a separate account. Please follow our Construction Information Service, OHSIS and Specify-It registration and login instructions to register your account before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. For security reasons do not reuse your University password.
Accuris’ Privacy Policy and Terms of Use can be viewed via links on the login/registration page.
A business focused interface guides users to a huge range of content including journal articles, books, company, industry and country reports. Other content includes case studies and video content.
Business Source Ultimate includes over 3,500 full text journals (including OA journals) in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full text, non-journal content includes over 15,000 case studies, 1 million company profiles, 5,500 SWOT analyses, 65,000 business videos, 8,000 industry reports and 2,500 market research reports. Other non journal content includes books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, investment research reports, country reports and more.
Includes indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back to 1886.
APA PsycInfo contains references to journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertations in the field of psychology and behavioural sciences. It covers the period from 1600 to present. Almost all the materials included in APA PsycInfo are peer-reviewed. As well as psychology it includes references to the psychological aspects of: health, sociology, education, pharmacology, technology, linguistics, business and law.
"This database includes the renowned AGRICOLA, TOXLINE, ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. This database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses."
Web of Science is a platform consisting of multiple databases designed to support scientific and scholarly research. Content spans multiple disciplines, document types and formats.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Practical Law is an online legal ‘know how’ service. It provides resources, such as practice notes, current awareness and standard documents to help with legal practice and providing legal advice.
Resources are created and kept up to date by a team of editors who have experience gained in law firms, companies and public sector organisations.
It is integrated with resources on the Westlaw UK service.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. First time users (and users who have not accessed Westlaw in over 15 months) will also be prompted to register an account. Please follow our Westlaw Registration Instructions before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
Thomson Reuter's Privacy Policy and Cookies information can be viewed via links on the site.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Westlaw provides full-text access to a variety of legal information, including many UK cases, UK and Scottish legislation, a number of UK legal journals and EU materials. Westlaw's Journals search provides abstracts from articles from UK-published journals, including articles not available in full-text on Westlaw. Non-UK material is available by following the link to 'Westlaw International' from the homepage.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. First time users (and users who have not accessed Westlaw in over 15 months) will also be prompted to register an account. Please follow our Westlaw Registration Instructions before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
Thomson Reuter's Privacy Policy and Cookies information can be viewed via links on the site.
Library books are arranged by the Dewey Decimal classification scheme whereby each subject is represented by a number. You will find books on the same subject will have the same number. The shelfmark is preceded by the letter D and will be followed by 3 letters, which are usually the first 3 letters of the author's name.
Useful Safety and related subjects shelfmarks:
D 158.7 Occupational psychology
D 333.7 Environmental policy
D 347.49 Health & safety - Law & legislation
D 613.62 Occupational health
D 614.852 Health & safety - Management
D 620.0045 Risk assessment
D 658.382 Workplace health & safety