Reading Lists are available via MyPlace.
Look for the link on your class page. The reading list link icon is usually depicted as a blue jigsaw piece.
If you find a broken link please use the 'Mark as broken' feature. Library staff will be alerted to these and will do their best to repair/replace the link as soon as possible.
At the top of all reading lists you will find the the Add to My Lists button. When used this will enable other features on the page.
You can suggest resources for a reading list.
When a suggestion is added to a reading list, an email notification is sent to the instructor/s to review and add the suggested resource.
1. Add the reading list to your watched lists using the Add to my Lists button.
2. View resources you have previously saved to the Favourites area or perform a new search.
3. Open the citation menu and select Suggest this item.
4. Add your note and then Add Suggestion.
Save resource details to your own personal Favourites area: