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Digimap is an online map and data delivery service, offering a number of data collections. Marine Digimap contains two types of data:
Please note - downloading data for use in GIS or CAD applications requires specialised software which is NOT available on PCs in the Library.
Users should sign in to this resource using University email address and password. First time users (and users who have not accessed Digimap in over 12 months) will also be prompted to register an account. All users must agree to the end user licence for the relevant Digimap Collection(s) they wish to access. Our Digimap - accessing collections and datasets document has more information.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
Digimap’s Privacy Notice can be viewed via a link in the registration form.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Provides full text access to all DNV rules and standards. DNV are the world’s leading classification society and a recognized advisor for the maritime industry including renewables, oil and gas, and energy management. They are one of the world’s leading certification bodies.
This resource cannot be accessed using University of Strathclyde credentials. Users must register a separate account to access this resource. Please complete the DNV Rules and Standards Explorer+ service request form to register an account before accessing the resource for the first time.
Veracity's Privacy Statement and Terms of Use can be viewed via links in the instructions.
IEEE Xplore provides full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. Access is to the full text published since 1988 and select content published since 1913 from: IEEE journals, transactions, proceedings, and magazines; IEEE conference proceedings; IEEE published standards; IEEE Spectrum Magazine; IEEE-Wiley eBooks collection; IET journals; IET conference proceedings.
Part of Materials Science & Engineering Database, this database provides indexing and abstracts to records from periodicals, conference papers, trade journals, magazines, books, patents and technical reports in the fields of mechanical and transportation engineering.
Dates of coverage: 1966 - current.
Subject coverage includes: automotive engineering, naval and marine engineering, aerospace engineering, industrial and manufacturing engineering.
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The Construction Information Service Online (CIS Online) provides electronic access to technical information including an index to a selection of standards, regulatory and advisory documents, guidance and other material for the UK construction industry. The online service provides bibliographic data such as document titles and summaries plus full text images, either Adobe pdf format or scanned facsimiles.
This resource cannot be accessed using University of Strathclyde credentials. Users must register a separate account. Please follow our Construction Information Service, OHSIS and Specify-It registration and login instructions to register your account before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. For security reasons do not reuse your University password.
Accuris’ Privacy Policy and Terms of Use can be viewed via links on the login/registration page.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Occupational Health and Safety Information Service (OHSIS) provides up-to-date reference sources of key Health and Safety documentation relevant to the workplace. OHSIS covers Health and Safety issues such as training, first aid, electrical safety, manual handling, dangerous substances, fire safety, and environmental health guidance. It also includes a selection of British Standards relating to Health and Safety and government legislation and documentation from organisations such as ROSPA and HSE, all available in full text.
This resource cannot be accessed using University of Strathclyde credentials. Users must register a separate account. Please follow our Construction Information Service, OHSIS and Specify-It registration and login instructions to register your account before accessing the resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. For security reasons do not reuse your University password.
Accuris’ Privacy Policy and Terms of Use can be viewed via links on the login/registration page.
Scopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database containing all relevant literature.