HeinOnline is available both on and off campus. To access the service off campus you require an IT Services DS username and password).
If required, select the link ‘Click here for UK Federation and OpenAthens Login’ and from the ‘Select an Identity Provider’ menu, choose ‘University of Strathclyde’. Enter your DS account details and select ‘Login’.
In the box at the top of the screen various simple search options are provided.
The ‘Full Text Search’ tab allows you to search across content in all subscribed collections.
The ‘Catalog’ search allows you to search for publication (e.g. journal or book) by title or author. N.B. This will retrieve journals by title but will not retrieve individual articles by title or by author.
Under ‘Browse Collections by Name’ the available databases are listed. To access a database, select the title link (e.g. ‘Law Journal Library’).
Help with using the service is available by following ‘Help’ link at the top of the screen.