Research data is information that has been collected or created to validate research findings. It can be numerical, descriptive or visual and raw or analysed.
Some examples of research data are laboratory notebooks, data files, questionnaires and interview transcripts, photographs and slides.
Remember to check the licence terms before you reuse data and always cite your source.
You can filter database search results to show datasets.
For example, Web of Science Core Collection has links from search results to articles with data sets. Choose to Filter your search results by Associated Data.
The Web of Science Core Collection comprises a set of databases covering scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examines proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
The Data Citation Index provides access to data from from over 200 data repositories. It covers multiple subjects and regions and contains over 5 million records.
Please read the Additional Information before accessing this eResource.
Access to data from the ESDS (Economic and Social Data Service) and Census data for 1971-2021. Includes data from International Energy Agency, World Bank, OECD, United Nations, Human Rights Atlas, International Monetary Fund.
Users should sign in to this resource using University credentials. First time users will also be prompted to register an account. Please follow the UK Data Service's instructions on How to register if you are a UK academic user before accessing this resource for the first time.
Use your University of Strathclyde email address when registering. Users are not required to create a separate password for this resource.
UK Data Service's Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions can be viewed via links on the site.
Research data repositories store and manage research data. The simplest way to find a repository is to use a directory/registry service.