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Architecture resources: Researching an architect or building

This guide will help you find and use Library resources for your assignments, dissertations, theses and other research. Please contact me if you would like further help or information.

Search tips

When searching for information on a specific architect or building it is important to plan your search. Take time to consider the most likely places for the information you need; there are some important questions to consider for each search noted below. Reference books may also help you develop useful search terms and inform you of how well known the architect or building is which will also influence how easy it is to research.

The search tools listed down the right column should help you identify journal articles to read, though remember that the references found via the RIBA catalogue and the Design and Applied Arts Index may not be available in full text via the library - you can double check availability using SUPrimo. The Library Collections tab will tell you if we subscribe to a specific journal and what years are available - older items will be in print on Level 1. The Articles + databases tab will help you to search for individual articles rather than the journal titles.

For further help pop by the enquiry desk on Level 4.

Research questions - finding Architects

  • Is the architect associated with a particular period in history? e.g. Could you find any relevant material about the person you are looking for in a book about Victorian architects?
  • Is the architect linked to a particular place or country? e.g. Could you find details about him/her in a book on Scottish architecture?
  • Is the architect associated with a particular architectural practice? Do we hold any material listed under that firm's name?
  • Is the architect noted for designing a particular type of building, such as airport terminals, churches, universities, libraries etc.? Does the Library hold books on that building type which might contain useful sections or chapters about the architect you are interested in?

Research questions - finding buildings

  • Was the building designed by a significant architect or practice? If so, do we have any materials covering their body of work?
  • Is the building representative of a specific style or movement of architecture? Could books or articles about that style cover the building you are researching?
  • Would the building be covered in architectural writing about the town, city, region or country which it was built in?

Helpful reference books

The reference collection on Level 1 in the library contains texts which may help your research. These cannot be borrowed but you may use them anywhere in the library building, as well as scanning or photocopying extracts to refer back to later.

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