The British Education Index provides information on research, policy and practice in education and training in the UK. It covers education from pre-school to university level and includes a thesaurus using UK-specific educational terminology. Most of the journals included in British Education Index are published in the UK, although some international literature is included. This database can be cross-searched with ERIC.
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and resources. The database contains more than 1.3 million records and provides access to information from from 1966 to present. It can be cross-searched with the British Education Index.
APA PsycInfo contains references to journal articles, books, book chapters and dissertations in the field of psychology and behavioural sciences. It covers the period from 1600 to present. Almost all the materials included in APA PsycInfo are peer-reviewed. As well as psychology it includes references to the psychological aspects of: health, sociology, education, pharmacology, technology, linguistics, business and law.
This database is a source for references to the current and historical literature related to growth and development of children through the age of 21. This includes all of the issues of Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography from 1927-2001 previously published by the Society for Research in Child Development, plus new coverage on child rights and welfare issues. Book reviews and abstracts from hundreds of journals and a bibliography of thousands of technical reports, books, book chapters, theses and dissertations covering biomedical and social sciences worldwide are indexed in this database. More than 383,000 records are included, with over 10,000 new records added each year.
Social Science Premium Collection provides access to databases covering the international literature in the social sciences.
It provides abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including deep indexing and full text from over 1000 important social science journals. (Featured databases include IBSS, PAIS and Sociological Abstracts.)
Dates of coverage: 1871 - current.
Subject coverage includes: politics, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology and education.
MEDLINE on this service contains over 20 million citations and abstracts from 1946 onwards, providing unparalleled access to worldwide biomedical literature. The database contains a broad range of medical topics relating to research, clinical practice, administration, policy issues, and health care services. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE contains all records published in Index Medicus and since 2002, most citations previously included in separate NLM specialty databases such as SPACELINE and HISTLINE. Subject content includes anatomy; communication disorders; microbiology; paramedical professions; pathology; physiology; psychiatry; toxicology; sports medicine; dentistry; parasitology; reproductive biology; epidemiology; gene therapy; surgical and pharmaceutical intervention; nursing practice; ethical and legal issues; institutional operations; laboratory techniques and procedures; diagnosis and management; clinical research trials and experimental treatment protocols; legislation and regulation; allied health specialties; continuing education; investigational drugs and new drug uses, and some veterinary medicine.
ASSIA is an indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, economics, politics, race relations and education. Updated monthly, ASSIA provides a comprehensive source of social science and health information for the practical and academic professional.
Education Abstracts provides indexing and abstracts for more than 680 periodicals, books and yearbooks covering the period 1983 to present.
The Web of Science Core Collection comprises a set of databases covering scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examines proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
SAGE Research Methods contains more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. It supports research at all levels and across all subjects by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Also includes cases, datasets, data analysis and materials on data visualization, qualitative and quantitative research methods, statistical methods and statistical packages such as Python, R and SPSS among others.
CINAHL is an index to journals in the allied health and nursing subject areas. As well as indexing over 3000 journals, full text access is provided to over 600 journals. This is a useful database for those studying or researching: Speech and Language Therapy, Sport and Physical Activity, Health Psychology, Digital Health, Pharmacy, Prosthetics and Orthotics and Pharmacology.
Library books are arranged by the Dewey Decimal classification scheme whereby each subject is represented by a number. You will find books on the same subject will have the same number. The shelfmark is preceded by the letter D and will be followed by 3 letters, which are usually the first 3 letters of the author's name.
Useful Autism and related subjects shelfmarks:
D 371.9046 Inclusive education
D 371.94 Children with autism - education
D 616.85882 Autism
D 616.858832 Asperger Syndrome