At the end of the University examination process all successfully awarded research postgraduate students are required to submit the following to Student Business:
When you have reached the stage for submitting your thesis Student Business will email you with a link to the Research Degree Examination Sharepoint site. On this site you can upload the PDF of your thesis and confirm you agree to the deposit of your thesis into STAX when the degree of which it forms part has been fully awarded by the University of Strathclyde.
Detailed guidance on the format and submission of theses, including page layout, is detailed in Code of Practice paragraphs 251-278 (P.35) (link to PDF document). If you require assistance please contact the Library Cataloguing team at lib.bcd@strath.ac.uk
Before submitting your thesis you will need to decide the following:
A moratorium restricting public access to the print and digital copies of the thesis may be requested if for example:
You should discuss your decision with your supervisor and, if agreed, you should fill in and submit a Moratorium Request Form which requires signed approval from your Head of Department. A moratorium at the University of Strathclyde can last for up to five years.
If you have any questions about access restrictions please contact the Library Cataloguing team at lib.bcd@strath.ac.uk
The library will catalogue both the print and digital copies of your thesis after your degree is successfully awarded. We will make the digital copy available online.
Visit our thesis submission page for more information about this process.
Maximise your audience by making your document as accessible as possible. The following steps will help to ensure that people can read your work and benefit from your research: