LGBT Magazine Archive contains archival runs of UK and US magazines devoted to LGBT interests. This material also serves related disciplines such as sociology, political science, psychology, health, and the arts.
The archive spans the period 1954-2015 - coverage dates vary for individual titles.
MLA International Bibliography with Full Text provides access to references to journal articles, books, and dissertations in disciplines including: language, literature, folklore, film studies, linguistics, literary theory and criticism, and the dramatic arts from the early 20th century to the present. The database also includes the MLA Directory of Periodicals and the MLA Thesaurus, a proprietary, searchable collection of thousands of subject terms, and personal names used in indexing the bibliography. Full text access to over 1000 journals is included.
This is an upgraded version of MLA International Bibliography containing additional full text access.
The Web of Science Core Collection comprises a set of databases covering scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examines proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
Humanities Source is a useful resource for anyone studying or researching the humanities. It provides full text access to over 1400 journals and citations to over 3.5 million articles including book reviews.
An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities, Humanities Index indexes over 400 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. There are regular monthly updates.
Social Science Premium Collection provides access to databases covering the international literature in the social sciences.
It provides abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, working papers and more, including deep indexing and full text from over 1000 important social science journals. (Featured databases include IBSS, PAIS and Sociological Abstracts.)
Dates of coverage: 1871 - current.
Subject coverage includes: politics, sociology, social services, anthropology, criminology and education.
Gale Literature provides access to a wide range of literary resources including:
Contemporary Authors Online
Dictionary of Literary Biography Complete Online
Literature Criticism Online
Literature Resource Centre
Scribner Writer Series
Something About the Author Online
Twayne's Authors Series
For more information about each source click on What's Inside from the main search screen.
Access to a collection of eBooks on gender studies topics from Duke University Press. The Library provides access to the eBooks in this collection up to and including those published in 2024.
Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature (over 1,600 journals) of the arts and humanities from 1975 to date. Useful for: Architecture, History, Languages, English Literature, Journalism and Speech and Language Therapy.
ASSIA is an indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, economics, politics, race relations and education. Updated monthly, ASSIA provides a comprehensive source of social science and health information for the practical and academic professional.
IBSS is an index to journal articles and books in the social sciences. It covers the period 1951 to present. It covers a wide range of social sciences literature and it is particularly strong in anthropology, economics, politics and sociology.
Useful for: Economics, Education, Government and Public Policy and Social Policy.
Content in JSTOR spans many disciplines, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The Library subscribes to the following JSTOR journal collections: Arts & Sciences I,II,III,IV & VII, and Business II. JSTOR archives contains the full-text of non-current issues of journals digitised back to the first issue published to a date generally 3 to 5 years from the most current published issue. We also have access to current content for a few publications on the JSTOR platform. The Library also has access to the JSTOR digitised collection of 19th Century British Pamphlets.
Nexis provides full-text coverage of newspapers worldwide, plus press releases, transcripts of TV broadcasts, newswires, magazines and trade journals.
Factiva is a current international news database produced by Dow Jones, a global provider of economic and financial information. Users have access to a wide range of information from newspapers, newswires, industry publications, websites, company reports, and more. Content provides local insight and global perspective on business issues and current events, containing current information on companies, industries, and financial markets.
SAGE Research Methods contains more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences. It supports research at all levels and across all subjects by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process. Also includes cases, datasets, data analysis and materials on data visualization, qualitative and quantitative research methods, statistical methods and statistical packages such as Python, R and SPSS among others.
AM Research Skills is a resource which helps researchers to gain skills in approaching primary sources such as newspapers, photographs, letters, objects, films and more. The Research Skills Foundations module contains almost 200 essays, videos, guides and case studies which describe how primary sources can be interrogated and used in academic research. Alongside the Foundations module, Strathclyde also provides access to the module Interrogating Colonial Documents and Narratives, which introduces the key considerations concerned with studying colonial history. This resource will be of interest to anyone who wishes to use primary sources in their research, assignments or essays.
This resource is published by AM, formerly known as Adam Matthew.
Archives Unbound contains subject based digital collections of historical documents covering a broad range of topics including: American history, British history, European history, Gender Studies, History of Health and Medicine, Journalism and Literature.
Communication Source provides access to information and resources in areas related to communication and mass media. Full text access is provided to over 300 journals. Useful for: English and Creative Writing, Journalism, Media and Communication, Languages, Speech and Language Therapy.